My Projects

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Komyuniti App

A community focused social media app built on Nextjs, allowing uses to create communities, post text, image and polls, follow friends and create profiles.
Tech Stack Used: TypeScript, React, Nextjs, MongoDB
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An online movies encyclopedia, showing detailed information on movies, tv shows and people in the film industry. Allows users to build their own watchlist and recommendations.
Tech Stack Used: Typescript, React, Nextjs, GrpahQL
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Kalarric on Nextjs (App Router)

A complex lifestyle ecommerce app built on Nextjs, along with an admin dashboard keeping track of orders. The app allows user to add products to cart, check out, make payement, keep a track of their orders etc.
Tech Stack Used: TypeScript, React, Nextjs, Material UI, Redux ToolKit
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Image Harbor

A responsive stock image platform allowing users to effortlessly search and discover images, while also having the ability to create account, and curate a personal library by adding individual images to it.
Tech Stack Used: Nextjs, React, MongoDB, Pixbay API, Unsplash API
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Eaglekai's Valorant App

Get all Valorant stats, including your win rate, KD, headshot percentage and recent games all under this one app built on Nextjs. Elevate your game. GLHF.
Tech Stack Used: Nextjs, React, Page Router
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Tony and Peter

A pop culture news portal built on page router of Nextjs. Allows writers to post article and readers to read and like them. The app fetches data using graphql-request library from hygraph.
Tech Stack Used: Nextjs, React, Hygraph, GraphQL
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The Pizza Street

A pizza delivery app made on Reactjs.
Tech Stack Used: React, Redux, CSS Modules
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Expense Tracker

Add expences, and filter by month.
Tech Stack Used: React, CSS Modules
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My Weather App

Made with Nextjs 14 using App Router, this Weather App allows users to pin their default location using React Redux Toolkit and React Redux Persist.
Tech Stack Used: Nextjs, React, Redux
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Piggy Bank of India

A Dummy Bank made with Vanilla JavaScript, has authentication, money deposit and transfer features.
Tech Stack Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
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Kat's Todo App

My first todo app, built on React. Has filters, delivered with the help of conditional rendering. Users can add tasks, delete tasks and mark tasks as complete.
Tech Stack Used: React
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Guess My Number

A fun vanilla javascript game, that does what's in the name. Try guessing my number right and you shall have the fame.
Tech Stack Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
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Facebook Posts

My first React app, leveraging async/await functions and Axios, allows users to post GIFs and Texts on this Dummy Facebook App.
Tech Stack Used: React
Designed & Built by Suraj Katyayan.